The second novel, Vampire Knight: Noir’s Trap, was published on October 3, 2008. The first story within the novel looks at an incident that occurred at Cross Academy in the year preceding Yuki’s arrival about a Day Class student named Fuka Kisaragi, while the second story details an incident that occurred while Zero was still in training to be a vampire hunter alongside Kaito Takamiya, another boy training under Toga Yagari to be a vampire hunter. The first novel, Vampire Knight: Ice Blue’s Sin, was published on April 5, 2008.
The novels feature side-stories that use the characters of the manga, but are not specifically based on chapters from the series. Three light novels created by Matsuri Hino and Ayuna Fujisaki were published in Japan by Hakusensha in 2008 (the first two novels) and 2013 (the third), respectively.